Friday, July 13, 2007

School and College Days...

I had my primary education out there in U.A.E. with my parents. I studied in Indian School, till 5th standard. Came back to Kerala in 1991 and completed my High School. I stayed in the hostel during my high school days. I got to know people from different backgrounds and made a lot of friends with whom I still keep contact. It was the experiences that I had during these days that created the person, which I'm today. I enjoyed studying and also found time for extra curricular activities. I was interested in team events. It was one of the best parts of my life.After my high school days, I again moved to U.A.E with my parents in 1996 and stayed out there for another two years. I enrolled in the science stream. During these days I was very much concerned about what after 12th. Lately I decided to go for Engineering. I returned to Kerala, after completing my exams, to pursue a career in engineering.It was tough time to get through the entrance and finally got an admission for B-Tech. I got admission for the Electronics and Communication branch in Co-Operative Institute of Technology, Kerala. This was what I describe as a second phase in my life. I had fewer regulations on me. It was upon me to decide how to shape my future. I stayed with friends in a rented house. We stayed together for four years. I had good memoirs of my school and college days that are to be cherished for a long time.

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